Welcome to Abeja Colmena

Ever wonder who is the best master builders of space optimization? Think no further as the “BEE” is the world’s best space optimizer. Thinking of maximizing your humidor square footage to maximize selection and product for your customer? Abeja Colmena = Bee Hive in Spanish, is your solution.

Our team of experts build their success from optimizing the resources they have available. Remote humidification control, increased product facings via tablet operations, sales trends and product awareness through web and data scraping from the major providers, and much more.

AbjeaColmena.com is the humidor program and provider for CajunCigarCzar.com. CajunCigarCzar.com is a woman owned business and prides themselves on providing a honest product at a fair price while maximizing the customers experience through new and inventive ways.

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